
Saturday, May 16, 2020

Card # 104: A View To A Thrill

I decided to show off this 2002 Topps Super Teams Forbes Seat Relic card because it relates to the last card I showed on this blog.
These relic cards were found in the now defunct Topps Super Teams card release.  The relics were part of a set of old stadium benches and seats purchased by Topps and subsequently cut up for multiple card releases.  I have a few different Forbes Field relics, but the image used on this card is what I really like about this "A View To A Thrill"

The image matches Roberto Clemente's 1972 card release image (his last LIVING release) and was also used in the 1987 Turn Back The Clock release.

A lot of these old stadium seat relics can be had very cheaply compared to other style relics of the same player.

Now granted all Clemente did was sit his butt down on the bench in the dugout, but the presentation of this card looks awesome!

Do you have any stadium seat or clubhouse bench relics in your collection?


  1. I have a card with a piece of a seat from old Cleveland Stadium that I won a couple of years ago in a certain October contest.


  2. I definitely have a 2001 Heritage Bart Starr relic card featuring a piece of wood from a seat at Milwaukee County Stadium. That's where my parents would attend Packers games when they lived there. I feel like I probably own a few more, but I'd have to check.

  3. Very cool card. Gotta see what else they have from this set. I may be seeking some of these out. BTW, I also remember this photo from the 1987 Turn Back the Clock subset!

  4. Nice Clemente relic! I didn't even know about these until searching for Forbes Field cards (which will be very tough to find.)
